Cube Factor – Mountain Pale Ale 5.3%


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Cube Factor – Mountain Pale Ale 5.3%

Where, oh where is the sweet spot when it comes to the Mountain Style? That style we first encountered four years ago around this time of the year when we were able to gauge a crash course by OG craft beer titan Doug Odell; a native of the very region the style encapsulates. Whilst we love the big brash nature of a Mountain IPA, we feel the opportunity to bring all that flavour intensity and cram it into pale ale strength so it can be enjoyed in pints was just too much to resist. Utilising our hazy beer water profile with a West Coast hopping rate, we’ve brought Comet to the party on the hot side of the brewing process on Cube Factor, with Amarillo utilised on the cold side to impart a metric tonne of ripe orange notes backed up with citrus rind pithy bitterness. All brought down to a healthy 5.3%, this is a pale ale for the hazy beer lover who wants a little bit of crisp bitterness to cut through those sweet flavour profiles.

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