Out Of Season – Modern Bitter 4.2%


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Out Of Season – Modern Bitter 4.2%

It’s almost become an annual tradition at this point – after the hullabaloo and hype of our yearly birthday releases we love to bring things back down to earth with the wonderful simplicity of a well-made bitter. As champions of great british beer across the board, whether it’s a third of the latest hype juice or the reassuringly warm hug of a pint of well-kept cask in front of a fire, we’re huge fans of all beers and all styles and this includes the less fashionable ones in our arsenal. Out of Season is our take on a style that deep down each of us professes to love – a bitter with a modern twist to make sure you know it’s definitely a Polly’s beer, we’ve allowed our malt bill to do the talking here – a simple line up of Extra Pale and Milled DRC brings a biscuity sweetness and hearty amber colour, whilst a gentle addition both hot and cold side of Azacca brings a resinous bitterness backed up with a citrus sweetness to play off the malt bill perfectly.

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